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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pulling it together: combining nine disparate departments into a comprehensive Student Services Center perched atop a multi-tiered parking facility wa

When Kristine Dillon arrived at the Medford/ Somerville, MA campus of Tufts University in the fall of 1998, she was on a mission. The new executive director of the Student Services Project was charged with figuring out how to consolidate nine established departments that had reported to three deans and one vice president, into a single, customer- [read: student-] focused Student Services Center. That meant bringing together art of the customer "touchpoints" and information about each student, in order to better and more efficiently serve the students. But it also meant completely taking apart all nine departments and reassembling them--an undertaking that would also require establishing new methods of (and avenues for) service delivery, retraining and motivating art services staff; coordinating and establishing consolidated access to information silos; and physically moving art personnel into an efficient, service-oriented office environment. A five-year mission? Nope: the entire process was successfully completed in under two years.